January 8, 2020

Resistance in Design | Interview with Nissa Kinzhalina
Kazakhstan-based designer Nissa Kinzhalina studied architectural design at university, but it was not a smooth ride. At just 18 years old, she was expelled after the first year, as she did not have the funds for the course. After two years of work, she returned to her studies. Nissa explains that this break made her a better student, leading to her receiving a scholarship.
See moreMay 25, 2015
Urban Philosophy: Chair by Nisa Kinzhalina

The matter is clear – or is it? Depending what angle of approach you take to this chair, you will first see either a traced rectangle or an irregular polygon.
See moreMarch 27, 2015
Дизайнеры из Казахстана повезут в Милан светильник Reflect

Казахстанские дизайнеры Анастасия Леонова и Ниса Кинжалина представят свою работу на международной выставке дизайна в Милане в апреле 2015
See moreSeptember 11, 2015

Gentle Hint Chairs par Nissa Kinzhalina
Nissa Kinzhalina, jeune femme designer du Kazakhstan pour le studio NN Ban Design nous présente une nouvelle collection d’assise baptisées Gentle Hint Chairs, chaise haute ou de salon au tracer tout en finesse.
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